MamaTone Fitness

Because of the large amount of traffic that this site has been receiving, we have upgraded to allow for better service and more fitness information to be shared.  Please visit the new blog at be sure to put your name and email in the box to receive your friend report Top 10 Things You as a Mom Are doing to Make Yourself Fat… and you didn’t even know it!

Dear Friends,
I hope this email finds you well!  If you are receiving this and live in the US go vote!  Ok that is all I am talking about for politics.  I think the media does enough to saturate our minds with it!
One more quick thing before I get to the heart of the email.  If you watched my grocery shopping video I had mentioned I bought frozen rhubarb for my protein shakes to try it out.  I HIGHLY unrecommend rhubarb in your smoothies… not only is it very stringy and gets stuck in your blender blade, but it also doesn’t taste too good.
This past Sunday at 4:30 PM was a somewhat exciting milestone for myself and fitness.  For the first time in my life I was able to bench press the 100 lb dumbells.  What got me even more excited was that I did this while dieting and having lost 12 lbs.  Dieting will usually cause muscle loss as well.
I don’t usually share personal specific #’s and such with you, but I did for a couple reasons.
This has been a goal that I have been wanting to achieve for over 4 years, but about a year ago really set my mind to achieving it.  I started to tell others about it, I set a deadline, and I even competed against my little brother with it(he beat me :().  My goal was to be able to do it before my surgery this past June, unfortunately I wasn’t quite able to do it, but I didn’t give up on the goal and the dream.
So what goals do you have in your life that you aren’t achieving?  Have you ever told anybody about them?  Have you set goals and failed at achieving them and no longer set goals for yourself?
Goals are so important, because without goals you don’t know where you want to go, and if you don’t know where you want to go, you won’t know how to get there.  Goals are the rudder that stears the ship of your life. (wow that sounds like a Dr Phil comment)
So often people don’t make goals for themselves and then wonder why they never achieve what they want.
When you achieve a goal in your life share it with someone, sharing it will give you satisfaction and make you want to create new goals to achieve.  That is why I share my triumph with you today.
1.  Make specific goals with deadlines.
2.  Tell people around you what those goals are to keep you accountable
3.  If you don’t reach your goal, set new goals and observe why you didn’t achieve those first goals.
4.  Celebrate once you achieve your goal (ideally not food related)
Well this is getting long, but just wanted to get that off my chest!
The indoor bootcamp at Supreme is SOLD OUT!  We still have some spots available at McFarland.  If you would like to be put on a waiting list or sign up for the next session let me know.
Keep moving,

I think this is one of the reasons why I have such a passion for helping moms.  I don’t think men (me included) have any idea how hard mothers work taking care of the kids.

I created MamaTone Fitness for the sole purpose of getting moms to take time for themselves and not only worry about the well being of their kids.

Here is a short video I found on youtube that gives us men a taste of what mothers go through, and mothers, you will be rolling on the floor laughing… It is hilarious!

I get asked all the time what I eat and what my clients eat who get such great results.  I documented my weekly trip to the grocery store and shared my secrets to fat loss foods.

I have completed 3 weeks of my diet and dropped 12 lbs.  I will update my progess on Monday again.

Enjoy the video and please comment on this post!

Dear Friends,
I want to first welcome the 120 of you who heard my fitness show yesterday and signed up for my newsletter.  I am proud of you for taking that step.  If you have questions that you would like me to cover in an upcoming newsletter please let me know!  If you missed yesterdays radio show listen to it at
If you missed my NBC news segment this morning where I talked about eliminating lower back pain you can watch it at
You may have heard of the 80/20 rule which is applied in nearly every aspect of life.  For example 20% of the population holds 80% of the wealth.  This can also be applied to health.  Doing 80% of the right things will allow you to achieve a great looking and feeling body.
So many times we are looking for those “secrets” that make up the 20% which we think will give us the results.  There are many tips that I share that many people don’t know about, but they would fall in the 20%, but without living a healthy lifestyle these “secrets” won’t do much.
I recently was on google looking for common phrases people were searching for related to fitness.  One of the most common phrases was “diet pill.”  When I saw this it got my blood boiling and just reminded me again how lazy people are, looking for the miracle pill.
So what is the 80% I am talking about?  I am talking about 4 pillars that I believe will allow you to reach all your goals.
1. Nutrition
2. Exercise
3. Social Support
4. Right Mental Attitude
I get emails from people wanting to know which weight loss supplement they should take (I think most supplements don’t work, and if they do, only when combine with the above formula) Very seldom will I recommend a supplement to someone who has poor eating habits and inconsistent exercise.  If someone is doing many of the right things, some supplements will definitely help some.
So lets stop trying to dissect quite so much the minute details of training and instead focus on the big picture.
1.  Don’t eat crap
2.  Get involved in high intensity exercise (sweat a lot)
3.  Surround you with positive supportive people
4.  Realize healthy is a life long process and ever evolving, don’t see it as a short term commitment.
Once you get those 4 pillars understood and start practicing them, then we can get into the small details and “secrets.”
As promised I am unveiling the new indoor bootcamp schedule.  You can find all the details at  If you are interested in McFarland you can begin attending now.  Supreme location will begin Nov 3rd.  No need to be a member and shower are provided.
6 AM MWF Supreme Health and Fitness for 6 weeks
5:45 AM T/Th/F Karate America in McFarland
There is still some time to sign up for the Fit Fun Cruise that I am hosting in the Caribbean.  Visit
Have a wonderful weekend and I will talk to you Monday!
Keep moving,
Dustin Maher
PS Don’t forget to keep visiting my blog and sharing it with others at

Yesterday I decided to do my low calorie day (1000 cals).  I was a bit nervous going into it, but having gone through it I swear I have never felt better.  It was amazing.  I think part of it was that I drank over 2 gallons of water and before that I hadn’t been drinking enough (shame on me for not practicing what I preach).

Here is what I ate.

7 AM

1/3 cup of oats 100 Cals

1/2 scoop of protein powder 60 Cal.

8-11 AM 1 gallon of water

1 pm (still not feeling hungry)

1 very small cookie (whoops) 100 Cals

3/4 cup of homemade hominy chili with chicken (Yum!)  200 Cals

5 pm

25 Almonds 200 Cals

1-8 pm Drank another gallon of water

7 pm 

3/4 cup of hominy chili 200 Cals

9 pm (not hungry but wanted to get to 1000 cals) 

Salad: Spinach, peppers, tuna, tomato, low fat dressing  200 Cals


Total 1060 Cals and 2 gallons of water

Like I said, I felt amazing all day and had boundless energy and focus.  I look forward to next weeks ultra low calorie day now!

I hope you had a relaxing and enjoyable weekend!  If you get a chance this week feel free to tune into WPR radio this Tues at 11:45 for my 45 minute fitness segment.  I will also be on NBC Morning Show this Thurs at 6:40 AM.
The past 6 years I have immersed myself into learning as much as I can about the body and getting lean in the most efficient ways.  I read all the scientific studies, all the magazines, and the real life stories of successful personal trainers and weight loss participants.  My goal is to provide you with great fitness tips.
As I get down to the last month of my dieting before my fitness competition, I am utilizing all the tricks and secrets I have learned throughout the years.  In the first 2 weeks I lost about 7.5 lbs and dropped 2% body fat (now down to 7.7%) I would like to be on stage at 4.5% or less.  
I have been criticized by other fitness professionals to giving free information out like this as well as on my blog to people who aren’t paying for it, but I believe everyone should have the right to know this stuff.  Knowing is only part of the battle, applying it is the tough part!
So here are a couple advanced nutritional weight loss tips.
1.  Don’t eat carbs that are white (anything that is refined)
2.  Eat veggies with as many meals as possible
3.  Eat protein with every meal.
4.  Have 1-2 higher carb days per week (more to come in a minute)
5.  One day a week cut calories in half.
6.  Within an hour of a workout break rule #1
7.  Designate a cheat day or cheat meal. 
I want to focus on #4.  When a person does low carbs for long periods of time their bodies get use to it and start to conserve and slow metabolism.  The insulin response gets very sensitive if prolonged low carb dieting is done.  (that means that your body will try to store the carbs you do get into fat) In order to prevent this once a week (maybe twice) have a higher carb day, which will prevent the insulin response from becoming too sensitive.  I would recommend this high carb day be the same day you have your cheat day.  
#5 is a rule I am just learning about and haven’t put it to practice, but I am going to start experimenting with.  Today I am going to try to eat just 1000 cals.  Prolonged very low cal days is horrible for metabolism, but there are suppose to be benefits to once a week low cals… I am still learning why this is true and if it works.
One more tip is that when you go low carb and eat more veggies you must remember you need to eat a lot more.  For example a cup of rice is 300 cals and a cup of spinach is 15 cals.  To get more calories in your diet eat beans and legumes… They contain some of the highest fiber content of any food and will give you long sustained energy.
Be sure to check my blog for ongoing updates
On Thurs I will be announcing the indoor bootcamp schedule as well as a reminder on the cruise.
Eat Right,

Since I work with moms a lot, one of the questions I get asked it how young is too young to lift weights.  I have attended national workshops in youth fitness and the growing consensus is that kids can weight train at any age (as long as they have the attention span) But weights should be kept light (lots of bodyweight exercises) and good form emphasized.

Here is a little boy who has incredible form and has been taught well.  This boy is 2 years old.  I generally wouldn’t recommend kids this young starting out in intense weights, but it works for him!

Yesterday I finished the 9th day of my diet leading up to the competition.  I have 36 more days to go.  I am now down about 7 ish lbs so far and happy with the progress.  I will take bodyfat again on sunday.  Here is what I ate yesterday.

5:00 AM

Handful of almonds 200 cals

6:30 AM

protein bar  160 cals

9:45 AM

protein bar  160


Protein Drink 300 cals


Big salad with tuna and kidney beans:  400 cals


Apple with lots of all natural peanut butter (went a little overboard)  350 cals

8:45 pm (hungry)

3 slices of deli roast beef 150 Cals

Homemade vegetable soup (had 10 different veggies in it with some kidney beans) 100 cals

Low fat popcorn 200 cals

Total 2020

Today was a good day, still a little low on cals, but not too bad.  Energy was good for most of the day.  I should have had another snack at 6 or 7 pm, but I had clients and was teaching for many straight hours.

I hope that helps you, feel free to comment!

Keep moving,


I have finished the first 7 days of my diet and I am down about 5.5 lbs.  I have been quite disciplined the last week (with the exception of Saturday), turning down going out to eat with friends, and avoiding Camp Randall Food.  My body is coming along well and am happy with the progress.

On Saturday I let myself have a cheat day.  I am still 6 weeks out of the show so I still have some leeway, but I let my flesh and my desires get the best of me.  I planned on eating one caramel apple and one brat as my cheat foods for the day.  Because I didn’t plan ahead and had no food with me during the day, I caved in a had two of each.

Sunday I worked VERY hard at going low carb from my big carb day.  It took 36 hours to lose the 3.5 lbs (mostly water) that I had gained on Saturday, but I am back to my pre saturday weight.

Lesson for you:  When you have a cheat day or a period of time where you are not making the most responsible food choices, acknowledge what you did and get right back on to eating healthy again.  So often I see or hear people who eat bad for a few days and then continue to and justify it by saying they already ate some bad foods and might as well continue.

This mentality will sabotage you so quickly and will guarantee you poor results.  The same thing goes with exercise… just because you miss a couple days, doesn’t mean you should stop altogher.  Evaluate why you stopped, make some changes and start up again.

From this weekend, I was once again reminded that I need to be prepared ahead of time and not get myself into tough situations.  I packed a few protein bars in my car now, so if I feel like caving in, I can grab one of them.

Talk to you soon!



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